Sunday, January 31, 2010

New Business Opening Press Release How Many Clinocchioism's Can You Find In This Press Release?

How many Clinocchioism's can you find in this press release? - new business opening press release

Orangeburg, South Carolina (AP) - Former President Bill Clinton said Monday that the first thing his wife Hillary, if attained at the White House to kill him and his predecessor, President George HW Bush, mission around the world about the damage to the reputation of the United States by the current president Repair - Bush's son George W. Bush.

"Well, your first thought not, because you can not pass a law, the first thing you try to do is me and former President Bush and a number of people around the world have sent to tell them that America is business and is co-open again, "Clinton said in answer to a question from a fan that" would be the number of women as a priority "will be as president.

A spokesman for George HW Bush was initially not for an opinion on whether the former president would chip in some diplomatic help after his son leaves office next year.

Clinton and Bush, rivals in the presidential election of 1992, increased CHUmmy recent y ears, often traveling and appear together at public events. In 2005 he started a charity for victims of Hurricane Katrina to help.

UPDATE: The Republican National Committee this statement in response to comments from Clinton:

"In 2009, a Republican President will keep working with our friends and allies abroad to continue our country safer," said RNC spokesman Danny Diaz. "The Americans expect our leaders - past and present - to meaningful solutions to real problems facing our nation at present."

1 comment:

  1. Sounds fishing, but I do not see how they could repair the damage in the world. I think a better proposal would be under two former presidents have agreed that, until his death on pay-per-view fight. All proceeds go to charity.
